Jan 4, 2011
Yesterday I received the notice from Microsoft, that I had been awarded the MVP title.
So now I can call myself MVP for the next year..
Translate Service DACL's
Sep 8, 2010
There was a post on the Minasi forum, where someone was trying to check which users had start/stop permissions on a given server. I knew SC would give the results, but it returns it in DACL format, which as far from readable by humans… So since I had some time to pass I decided to try to write a powershell script to translate the DACL into something human readable (We were having our floor lacquered, and the guy doing it, had a little extra lacquer, and decided to lacquer our hallway, thereby cutting me off from leaving the first floor of our house).
Account lockout continued
Sep 8, 2010
} #End Function
#Call OnApplicationLoad to initialize
if(OnApplicationLoad -eq $true)
#Create the form
GenerateForm | Out-Null
#Perform cleanup
My account keeps getting locked out, where did I use it ??
Sep 8, 2010
A few weeks ago my admin account kept getting locked out, after I had changed my password.. So I assumed I had used it somewhere to either run a service or a scheduled task on a test server.
Export-xls Powershell script to export to XLS
May 30, 2010
This looks very promising, going to give it a spin tomorrow when I get to work
Output a sortable HTML table
May 30, 2010
A while back I posted a script that would take whatever input it got, into a sortable HTML table in a file.
Last night my family was here, and they wanted to see the Eurovision song contest thing, so I had some time to rewrite the script into a PowerShell V2 Advanced function, that supports pipeline input.
PowerShell presentation from 2010 Minasi Conference
May 11, 2010
Here is my presentation from the 2010 Minasi conference.
Remoting examples from my presentation
May 11, 2010
Example #1
#Single Session
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName “computername”
#Multiple Sessions
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName “comp1”,“comp2”…..
#Remove all Sessions
Remove-PSSession *
#Remove Named Session
Remove-PSSession $Session
#Using $session
Quest AD Cmdlet examples from my Presentation
May 11, 2010
Example #1
List users that expires within X days
$DaysToExpire = 14
$MaxPassAge = (Get-QADObject (Get-QADRootDSE).defaultNamingContextDN).MaximumPasswordAge.days
[array]$a = Get-QADUser -Enabled -PasswordNeverExpires:$false -SizeLimit 0 -Email * |Select-Object Name,Email,@{Name=“Expires”;Expression={ $MaxPassAge - $_.
.Net Examples from Presentation
May 11, 2010
Example #1 (From Lee Holmes' Powershell cookbook)
“Compile C# code on the fly”
$code =@'
using System.Management.Automation;
[Cmdlet(“Write”, “InputObject”)]
public class MyWriteInputObjectCmdlet : Cmdlet
public string Parameter1;