Finally got confirmation.. Grown men do cry when their Bitlocker encrypted SSD disk dies ;( Sep 18, 2011 Had another visit from the ever present Mr Murphy, I have had a Lenovo T420 sitting on my desk for a while, as a replacement for my T410.. Finally last night I had some time to start moving over data to the new laptop. ...
Back to my old theme again Sep 5, 2011 Updated my .htaccess file to prevent the massive flooding of my site..
Testing simple theme Sep 2, 2011 I am currently having some problems with my site, apparently it gets linked to be a lot of spam sites, resulting in more than 4000 visits in the last 24 hours. ...
Fix 2008R2 scheduled tasks Jun 17, 2011 [ps] Function Change-ScheduledTask { Param($XMLIn) $ShortDate = [regex]"(?<shortdate>[0-9]{4}/.-/.-T(?:2[0-3]|[01][0-9])[:.][0-5][0-9][:.][0-5][0-9])(?<digits>.\d*)" foreach ($line in $XMLIn){ If ($line -match “$ShortDate”) { $line = [regex]::Replace($line, $ShortDate, $($Matches[“Shortdate”])) } $line #$Script:outfile += $line + “`n” } ...
Send SMS through bibob with Powershell Feb 9, 2011 I thought I had posted this script more than a year ago, but apparently I have not. It is quite similar to the script, I posted recently sending SMS messages through unwire, this just allows bibob customers to send messages through bibobs online gateway. ...
Send SMS from Powershell through Unwire Feb 9, 2011 At work we have bought an SMS gateway service through the danish company Unwire, so after we the deal was signed we got the information on how to send email through their services, so in order to test I wrote a quick Powershell script to test it. ...
Change username/password on scheduled tasks. Jan 29, 2011 } #End Function #Call OnApplicationLoad to initialize if(OnApplicationLoad -eq $true) { #Create the form GenerateForm | Out-Null #Perform cleanup OnApplicationExit } [/ps]
Scheduled Tasks Server 2008(R2) Jan 29, 2011 I have been working on a script for changing passwords on scheduled tasks in our domain, in that process I have run into a few kinks with scheduled tasks in server 2008(R2). ...
Free online Source Control with PowerGui Pro. Jan 14, 2011 Currently I am using a free plan with Dynamsoft for source control with PowerGui, you get 25 MB for free, which will last me a long time at my current speed of writing PowerShell scripts  Here is a quick guide to setting up an account. ...
The (r)evolution of a script Jan 6, 2011 As those of you who a following my blog know, I have been fortunate enough to become a Microsoft MVP in Powershell, and because of that I have been allowed on the Powershell MVP mailing list, an let me tell, there are some amazing people out there, doing some amazing stuff. ...