Create Excel Spreadsheet

The other day I was tasked with creating a spreadsheet containing a list of all servers in our network, manager wanted a “sheet” for each computer, and an “index” sheet with links to all the other sheets.

Since we have more than 150 servers, there was no way I was going to create this list by hand… So I wrote a quick and dirty little Powershell function.

[sourcecode lang=“PosH”]

Function Fill-Excel {
$xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
$xl.Visible = $true
#I specify an existing filename, since creating the link in Excel requires a filename
$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open(“C:\Temp\test.xlsx”)
$ws = $wb.Worksheets.Item(1)
$xl.ActiveSheet.Name = “List”
$row = 1

Process {
$q = $_
$z = $q.ToUpper()
$xl.ActiveSheet.Name = $z
$wh = $xl.ActiveSheet
$wh.Cells.Item(1,1) = “=HYPERLINK("[test.xlsx]List!A1";"Back To List")”
$ws.Cells.Item($row,1) = “=HYPERLINK("[test.xlsx]$z!A1";"$z")”

$s= “Computer1”,“CompPUTER2”,“comPUTer3”
$s | Fill-Excel

This will open the xslx filed called test.xlsx under c:\temp and create an index sheet called “list”, and a sheet for each object that is passed to the function, it also creates a Link in A1 that refers back to the index sheet. On the Index sheet a link to each new sheet is created.

In the above example I “manually” pipe in some text string, but it could also be something like this:

[sourcecode lang=“PosH”]

$s = Get-QADComputer | Where {$_.OSname -match “Server”} | select name

So since it is a function, you can pass virtually any string to it, and it will populate the excel sheet for you.

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