Checking Site sizes in SharePoint 2007 and 2010

Our Sharepoint admin asked me to help him write a script, that found out how much space each DocumentLibrary in our sharepoint farm took up, so after some googeling I found that I could use the StorageManagementInformation Method on the SPSite object, so I cam up with this little script

#First we load the SharePoint assembly

#Then we create a function that returns tje SPSite
function Get-SPSite($url){
return new-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($url)

$site = Get-SPSite http://URL

We use the StorageManagementInformation Method on the $SPSite object, StorageManagementInformation returns a DataTable, and takes 4 input values

System.Data.DataTable StorageManagementInformation(Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite+StorageManagementInformationType ltVar, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite+StorageManagementSortOrder sordVar, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite+StorageManagementSortedOn soVar, System.UInt32 nMaxResults)

ltVar: What kind of storage management information to display

List = 1

DocumentLibrary = 2

Document = 3

sordVar: the direction in which the items are to be sorted

Increasing = 0×10

Decreasing = 0×11

soVar: whether the items are sorted by size or by date


Date = 1

nMaxResults: the number of results to return

$DT = $site.StorageManagementInformation(2,0x11,0,$(($site.allwebs).count));
$DT | Select @{Label=“Size”; Expression={INT}},Directory | out-gridview

Seems as if I forgot the last line, where I dispose of the Site object, I have added that now.

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