Here are some of the scripts that I used during the demonstration in VA Beach.
Example #1
function prompt
“Xenophane " + $(get-location) + “>”
Example #2
function prompt
“Processes " + (Get-Process).Count+ " " + $(get-location) + “> "
Example #3 (Example taken from website)
function Prompt
$id = 1
$historyItem = Get-History -Count 1
$id = $historyItem.Id + 1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray `n[$(Get-Location)]
Write-Host -NoNewLine PS$id
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $(Get-Location)
Example #4 (Overdone one)
function prompt
[wmi]$Global:Cdrive=Get-WmiObject -query “Select * from win32_logicaldisk where deviceid=‘c:'”
#Define Cdrive as global variable, which is type cast as a wmi
#Define variable processcount as number of processes running
$cpuload=(Get-WmiObject win32_processor).loadpercentage
#cpuload is defined as a variable
$diskinfoC=” Free C: “+"{0:N2}” -f (($global:Cdrive.freespace/1gb)/($global:cdrive.size/1gb)*100)+"%”
#diskinfoC is defined, {0:N2} is .NET for 2 decimal places, -f is a the “format” property of the string object.
Then the amount of free space on drive C is divided by the size of drive C multiplies by 100 to get
#the percentage of free space.
$time=Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem
#Define $time is object Win32_OperatingSystem
#Define #t as the result of the convertion of LastBootuptime into a readable dateTime format.
[TimeSpan]$uptime=New-TimeSpan $t $(get-date)
#Typecast the variable $uptime as a [timespan], the timespan cmdlet in powershell is a way to do date arithmetic in ps
#This way we can compare our variable $t (Which was Lastbootuptime) and the current time Get-date cmdlet
$up="$($uptime.days)d $($uptime.hours)h $($uptime.minutes)m $($uptime.seconds)s”
#define variable $up to display the uptime in days/hours/minuted/seconds
$TextToDisplay=“CPU:"+$cpuload+"% Processes:” + $processcount + $diskinfoC+ " " + $diskinfoG+ " “+ ([char]0x25b2)+$up +” “+(Get-Date -format g)
#define one variable that contains all the data we collected so far.
Write-Host -fore red $TextToDisplay
#Write the information to the screen in red
Write-Host “My PoSh:” $(get-location) -nonewline
#Display the regular prompt.