"Editing" Excel using Powershell

At work we have a spreadsheet, where we keep track of our mobile phones, and 3G dongles, in it we keep info about the IMEI code, PUK/PIN codes etc.

Today we found a few SIM cards lying around, the only thing on them was the SIM card number (19 digits). When I went to compare that to the info in the file, I realised that that was not noted in the file, so I had no way to match the SIM with a Phone number, PIN/PUK code.

So I called the telco, they were willing/able to supply me with an csv file containing the phone number, SIM card number, and PUK code.

So I took on the task to update our document, and check that the info in our original document was correct, but doing this for 45+ subscriptions, I thought I would write a script, and what better language than PowerShell.

Here is what I ended up with.

The CSV file contains 3 headers


#Location of the Excel file I want to edit
$FileLoc = “C:\temp\test.xls”
#Create Excel Com Object, and display it
$excel = new-object -com Excel.Application
$excel.visible = $true

#Open Workbook,
$workbooks = $excel.workbooks.Open($FileLoc)
$worksheets = $workbooks.Worksheets
$worksheet = $worksheets.Item(1)
#Select the range we want to look at
#In this example, I am only checking within one Column
$range = $worksheet.Range(“M3”, “M150”)
#Load CSV file
$PhoneInfo = Import-Csv c:\Temp\TlfPUK.csv
#Run through the colums
foreach($col in $range.Columns){
foreach($row in $col.Rows){
Foreach ($Phone in $PhoneInfo){
#In the CSV file, MSISDN1 represents the phone number, but with the international dial code in front
#that is why I use substring to get the last 8 chars and compare it the value of the current cell.
#If the phone numbers match, do something
If ( $Phone.MSISDN1.substring($Phone.MSISDN1.length -8,8) -eq $row.Text) {
#The two colums what will contain the data is set, this is just 4 & 5 columns to the right of the column that contains the phone number
$ColIMEI = $row.Column + 5
$ColPUK = $row.Column + 4
#Here I fill in the SIMCard number (UICCID) and PUK code
$worksheet.Cells.Item($row.Row, $ColIMEI) = $Phone.UICCID
$worksheet.Cells.Item($row.Row, $ColPUK) = $Phone.PUK1




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